First Event

10,000 people joined UNI-2

20 Aug'03
  • Sunday 10:30:00 - 12:30 pm
  • Panama City, Republic of Panama, Central America.

our beginnings



The concept is simple and we practiced it from day 1.

Give the people what they want and they will give you back what you are looking for. The principal of blessing someone to receive back a blessing is over 5000 years old, and it works all the time. UNI-2 has been dedicated from day to better peoples lives and better our communities with exceptional new and one of a kind Community Service Educational Programs, that change the lives of hundreds of families.

Thousands of meetngs in the past 20 years have given us a clear view of what's lacking in our communities, what kind of assistance people need and what really works. UNI-2 is there for the people and a better future for all.


Upcoming Events

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some

22 Jul'17

Our Daughter is Going to YALE

4.0+ GPA sudent wil represent our city in the Nationsl Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF) Busineess Inovatioon Program. We are very proud of Mia Isabella.

  • Sunday July 17th to 23rd, 2022
09 JUL'22

Dad will be eighty nine (89) this year

As an Italian Family, we pride ourselves in good fod and long living. God has given us 90 years with my father and we hope to see him for many more.

  • Saturday July 9th, 2022
  • Panama, Republic of Panama
Dad's family 

People from the start

We were blessed with many community leaders and men of God who hepled us get everything started, with no interest or personal gain.

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Pastor Edwin

Edwin has today the biggest church organization most probably in all central America. Started from a small tent in the middel of Panama city and grew into a mega church with thousands of members.Today his church has expanded all over the world. TV stations, Radio, heavy Internet presence and Ekklesia, the biggest church event in the republic of Panama.

Pastor Angie

Angie jas a clear understanding of a true relationship with God, using the Word of God as his greatest asset without compromising it with his own interpretations or desires. Angie runs a church in Panama city where, loved and supported by Mami, (his wife) blesses hundreds every week. Angie has a great vision of the Gospel and a clear and direct message to his congregation every week.

Pastor Leo

You see Pastor Leo in the inaugural event. Leo came from Colombia faithfully believing this program would bless many people in the future. His wife Didier (RIP) was a mayor component of the faith and love we place in this project and an incredible blessing to my life. Will will not see twp ladies like this woman, who was antinarcotics Judge in Colombia who never took a penny and, even in life threatening situations, stayed faithful to God..

Pastor Andrew

I remeber his great bravery, as the son of the leader of the assembly of God churches in England, instead of taking his fathe'as place as his father retired, Andrew decided to follow his heart and move to Manchester, with his wife and, start hois own church from scatch. I will never forget when he told me his heater in England had brokew (in the middle of winter,and Andre became the forst blesses person with the donaiton of a new heater for his home from UNI-2.

My friend George

George was a Back spinal Surgeon in Mexico City. Gos used George to show me there was nothing impossible, nothing Gosd couldn't do. Spemt several years with him before starting UNI-2 and God used him to challenge my faith, though the most amaizing miracle I can remember. It is too personal to share but rest assure it was like no other miraccle i have seen. It gave me the strength to belive in the impossible and start UNI-2 International Foundation.

My friend Tony

One more time, God presented a challenge ipossible to comprehend. Tony's wife was diagnosed with breast and later spinal Cancer. Given one moth to live she left for houston to enjoy her last shopping spree and pacefully die. But God had other plans, she returned we opend a prayer group at her home and that moth went by and she was still alive. We continued that group and one year and a half later she was still alive and getting better. The rest of the story is to hard and sad to publish.

Mom and Dad

Italian descent Roman Catholic parents their support (even though their faith was contrary to Evangelical teachings) were happy and expectant to see their son talking such a big leap away from the traditional self and believing, like never before in a God of the impossible. There is a beautiful story after ten years of UNI-2, that one day if we meet, i will tell you how God did wonders in my family.

My children

Against all the negativity and rejection of my Ex-wife to the idea of working for the needy and starting a Non-Profit, my children (Gus and Val) were instrumental in my decision to start UNI-2 and persevere in obeying God's will. After my conversion, my to kids were the first one to go to church with me later receiving both the Holy Spirit and being sealed and blesses for the rest of their lives.